Made using C++ and a library created by the lecturer to utilise the Android NDK. I have also ported the code to PC using SDL.
2nd year University Assignment - Graded as a 1st.
Due to the way that I wrote the code for the assignment I was able to directly port the code over to SDL without any real issues.
Uses Object Orientated Principles such as inheritance, composition and encapsulation.
This was my first Mobile Games Programming assignment at Bournemouth University. For this assignment we were told to create an Android phone game. Our lecturer gave us some C++ libraries that he had created, which contained an Android NDK wrapper and a maths library. These were made to allow us to work with C++ for Android, however, due to some initial problems with the library, only 5 people managed to complete the assignment. The way that I managed to do it was by wrapping up all of the aspects of the library. That allowed me to avoid the problems. It was because of this that I was able to port the code over to a SDL project. I chose to make a clone of Doodle Jump that required touch input instead of tilting the phone to move the player. For the SDL port I have added audio to the game. This was not in the Android version as the library our lecturer gave us did not include the ability to use sound and I did not have the time to work out how to implement OpenSL ES. This assignment was a graded a 1st.