Made using C++ and a maths library created by the lecturer to utilise OpenGL.
1st year University Assignment - Graded as a 1st.
Loads the data from an image and renders a 3D image from it.
Uses normalization to work out the reflection of the surfaces, and OpenGL features such as fog.
This was my second Computer Graphics for Games assignment at Bournemouth University. This was created using the same set of libraries that our lecturer gave us for the first assignment [See Kaleidoscopic Asteroids]. For this assignment I chose to create a basic height-map generator that would load a black and white image and create a 3D image from it. Within this I had to take the pixel data from the image and convert this to an equivalent height for the 3D image. I then added the x and y data for the vector of the indices with the height and used these to create the rendered image. I also wrote a function to normalise the indices and get the reflection of the surface. I also decided to utilise the openGL fog feature and set the colour of the fog to blue and the fog to be linear distribution. This assignment was graded a 1st.